
The Liberation of The Visual Language

Tanggal Publikasi : 2010
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In the contemporary art world, there have been quite a lot of successful artists with a background in graphic design. One of them is Indieguerillas, which is a group of two life partners, Santi Ariestyowanti and Dyatmiko “Miko” Bawono.
The success of such artists might be related to the “liberation of the visual language” that takes place in the development of the contemporary art. This is no longer debated today: it has been agreed that the contemporary art liberates a range of aspects in the art idioms that have been previously “stifled” by modernism, as evident in the development of late modern art. In the contemporary art, we have witnessed the liberation of the media (previously, only painting and sculpture were acknowledged), the liberation of narratives, the liberation of theatricality (giving rise to performance art), and the liberation of idioms.

Pelaku Seni Terkait : Jim Supangkat Indieguerillas
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Peristiwa Terkait : Pameran Tunggal Indieguerillas "Indie What ? Indie Who ?"