
Katalog Pameran Tunggal Eko Nugroho "Threat As A Flavour"

Tanggal Publikasi : 2012
Deskripsi :

Eko Nugroho mixes characters in a style reminiscent of the universe of fantasy comic books, with slogans alluding to current politics. The walls are filled from floor to ceiling with his black drawings full of humour, seemingly floating inside of the space. Hybrid characters mix together human traits, animals, plants and architecture in installations filfilling up the entire space. For those to whom Indonesia signifies balinese folklore, there seem to be only two possible ways to apprehend his work: seeing Eko as an “exotic” artist, or taking an interest in his work within the context of globalised art. In truth, the best approach to his work resides most probably outside of both these clichés.

Pelaku Seni Terkait : Eko Nugroho
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Peristiwa Terkait : Pameran Tunggal Eko Nugroho "Threat As A Flavour"