

Crash Team II

Pelaku Seni : Mella Jaarsma
Medium :
Tahun Pembuatan : 2010
Dimensi Karya : cm x cm x cm
Deskripsi :

What would happen if you could only see a dance lit by a flashing light? You would have to guess the movements in between the flashes. The performance, Crash Team, that I created for GRID is meant as persiflage with the audience of newcomers who like to see reality through the eye of the camera. The two dancers, skilled in traditional Javanese dance techniques, created new movements, crashing into each other wearing helmets made of buffalo horns. The human obsession with struggle is a basic principle behind traditional concepts, for example in the stories of the Mahabharata, as well as the foundation of global power structures.

(Courtesy of www.mellajaarsma.com)

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